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In the declaration adopted at the ministerial meeting of the Council of Europe, the member states have reaffirmed their support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders

On 16-17 May, the 133rd ministerial meeting of the Council of Europe took place in Strasbourg, with the participation of Lasha Darsalia, the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.

This year's meeting was particularly significant as it marked the 75th anniversary of the organization's establishment. Ambassador Tamar Taliashvili, Georgia's Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, also attended the ministerial meeting.

During the session, the Lichtenstein presidency presented a jubilee declaration. Among other key issues on the organization's agenda, the declaration reaffirmed the member states' support for Georgia's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. The declaration also called on Russia to withdraw its forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Georgia immediately, completely, and unconditionally.

In his speech, Lasha Darsalia highlighted the challenging situation caused by Russia in Georgia's occupied territories and expressed gratitude to the Council of Europe's member states for their steadfast support of Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity. He reiterated Georgia's dedication to the organization's core values of democracy, rule of law, and human rights.

The ministerial meeting adopted a package of decisions, welcoming the 7 May 2024 decision of the Committee of Ministerial Deputies of the Council of Europe titled "Council of Europe and the Conflict in Georgia" and taking into account the 29th consolidated report of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on the conflict in Georgia. In the context of EU enlargement, Georgia's candidate status was highlighted, and the crucial role of the Council of Europe in the European integration process was emphasized.

The meeting focused significantly on the challenges facing the Council of Europe and the importance of finding effective solutions to address them. The work accomplished to achieve the goals set by the 2023 Reykjavik Summit of the Council of Europe, particularly in response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, was positively evaluated. The ongoing efforts within the Council of Europe to establish a Ukrainian damage register and create a special tribunal for holding Russia accountable were also noted.

During the session, the chairmanship of the Council of Europe was ceremonially transferred from Liechtenstein to Lithuania for the next six months.

Additionally, the First Deputy Minister held bilateral meetings with representatives of member states and institutions of the Council of Europe.



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