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Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia on illegally holding the Russian Presidential elections in Georgia’s occupied regions

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia condemns holding of Russian Presidential elections and illegal opening of the polling stations in Georgia’s occupied regions, aimed at mass engagement of the local population in the Russian electoral process. 

This act represents a step against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia by the Russian Federation, which grossly violates the fundamental principles and norms of international law, and completely disregards the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act.

The holding of any elections in the occupied territories is considered illegal under the occupation, as attested by the international courts decisions and under the circumstances, when the forcibly displaced population from the occupied territories continue to be deprived the right to return to their homes. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia calls upon the Russian Federation to cease the actions against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and to fulfill its international obligations, including the EU-mediated 12 August 2008 Ceasefire Agreement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia appeals to the international community to give a due assessment and reaction to yet another illegal action of the Russian Federation directed towards infringement of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


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