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Another round of   bilateral political consultations held between the Foreign Ministries of Georgia and the Netherlands

On 11 June 2024, another round of bilateral political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Georgia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands took place in The Hague.

The Georgian delegation was led by Deputy Minister Teimuraz Janjalia, while the Dutch side was led by Director General of European Cooperation Anita van den Ende. Both parties expressed satisfaction with the close and friendly relations between their countries, highlighting the importance and effective use of the political consultation mechanism. They extensively reviewed issues on the agenda of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, including the prospects for developing relations, and discussed topics related to the European Union, NATO, and regional and global security. They also reviewed current domestic political events in both the Netherlands and Georgia.

Teimuraz Janjalia thanked the Netherlands for supporting Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, its non-recognition policy, and Georgia's European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. He noted the Dutch participation in the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) and the implementation of NATO's Substantial Package. The Georgian side expressed gratitude for the ongoing development cooperation, where the Netherlands implements multi-year programs that promote sustainable development and institutional transformation in Georgia.

The dynamics of trade and economic cooperation between the countries were positively assessed, but both sides noted the need to further deepen economic ties and fully utilize existing potential. They emphasized Georgia's strategic role in terms of connectivity with the European Union, focusing on current large-scale energy and transport projects.

The discussions also touched on regional situations, with Teimuraz Janjalia expressing Georgia's keen interest in promoting long-term peace and stability in the South Caucasus and readiness to contribute to this effort.

At the end of the meeting, both parties confirmed their readiness to promote the development of political dialogue, economic, and sectoral cooperation between their countries through joint efforts.



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