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Bilateral visa exemption agreement for ordinary passport holders signed between the governments of Georgia and China

On 10 April 2024, a bilateral visa exemption agreement for ordinary passport holders was signed between the governments of Georgia and China. The Agreement was signed by Georgia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilia Darchiashvili, and the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Georgia,  Zhou Qian.

According to Minister Darchiashvili, the establishment of a bilateral visa-free regime is significant for fostering friendship among peoples and bolstering economic ties between the two nations. He stated that this agreement will inject new energy into enhancing friendly relations and fostering mutually beneficial cooperation between Georgia and China. It aims to maximize the potential for people-to-people interactions, tourism, cultural exchanges, and trade and economic relations.

This agreement between Georgia and China underscores the strategic partnership forged last year and represents a significant tangible outcome of their collaborative efforts.

Upon entry into effect, the agreement will enable Georgian citizens to travel to China without a visa and stay for up to 30 days per visit. The agreement will come into force once both countries complete their respective internal legal procedures.


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