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Russian Federation

Head of Georgian Interests Section In embassy of Switzerland to the Russian Federation George Kajaia

Chronology of Diplomatic Relations

Diplomatic relations between Georgia and the Russian Federation were established on 1 July 1992.

As a result of the full scale military aggression exercised by Russia against Georgia, occupation of the integral parts of Georgia, and ethnic cleansing provided on these territories and declaration of this regions as an "independent Republics" Georgia break off diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation On September 2, 2008.

Fields of Co-operation

Intergovernmental co-operation since 2010 has been practically frozen nearly in all directions, except for consultations in Geneva process framework. Participants of Geneva Talks are - Georgia, the Russian Federation USA as an Official Representatives and European Union, OSCE and UN as Mediators.

Useful Links

President of Russian federation

State Duma of Federal Assembly of Russia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation

Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation

Georgia's Interests Section of the Swiss Confederation's Embassy to the Russian Federation


    Honorary Consuls